Ecology & HabitatSaprotrophic, Growing Gregariously (many growing in a small area) on dead wood and stumps in moist shaded areas.
Edibility, Taste & Odor Edible
FleshA typical ball shaped upper body with an elongated cone shaped lower body, which tapers to a single attachment point, giving the appearance of an upside down pear. Pale yellowish-brown outer surface with warts. White inner flesh when fresh, turning brown as it matures.
Apioperdon pyriforme ( Pear-shaped Puffball )

Apioperdon pyriforme is a species of puffball mushroom that belongs to the family Agaricaceae. The name Apioperdon pyriforme is derived from the Latin words “apium” meaning celery and “perdon” meaning fart, which refers to the mushroom’s strong odor when mature. This mushroom is characterized by its somewhat elongated area between the “ball” shaped part of it, and the attachment point where it is connected to the wood it is growing from. This elongated area can make the mushroom look pear-shaped. The outer surface of the fruiting body is covered with small, pointed warts which are granular and will brush away easily. It is edible when fresh. The insides must be completely white if you are considering eating them. Any discoloration of the inner flesh indicates they are past their prime. When fully mature, a small hole in the fruiting body ruptures at the top to release brown the spores. Apioperdon pyriforme is commonly found on fallen logs and stumps in moist areas and woodlands during the summer and fall months. While most puffballs grow in grassy. This is the only puffball that I’m aware of that grows on dead wood and which is why it is also commonly referred to as the stump puffball, and that is a key identifying factor for me when I find them.