Kuehneromyces marginellus

This is the lesser known, but perhaps equally common relative of Kuehneromyces mutabillis. I suspect its less well known due to it’s unassuming size, and short season in early spring. The smaller size alone, makes this mushroom fall into the category of “little brown mushrooms”. With so many little brown mushrooms out there. It’s often difficult to identify one when you find it. But, K. marginellus are common in spring, growing on decayed hard wood, including wood chip beds. Typically in small clusters, but will also grow singly and in large clusters. They have smooth/bald hygrophanous yellow to brown caps, with similarly colored gills and stem. The gills are narrowly attached to the stem, they almost appear free from the stem in many cases, but close inspection reveals a narrow attachment. The stem is mostly smooth except for the initially upwards pointing ring/annulus. It has a brown spore print, which will color the ring brown. As they age, the ring will eventually fall, but they typically grown in groups so you will likely be able to find different age mushrooms in the group to compare the ring shapes. You may notice they share many key features with Galerina marginata. But, once you get to know them both, it will become easier to spot the differences between them.