Ecology & Habitat | Saprotrophic growing singly, or in clusters in Grassy areas or along edges of woodlines |
Cap | Gray Brown to Yellowy Tan with fine dark colored hairs. Smooth and dry, Margin typically lighter, and hairier (with remnants of cortina / partial veil) Inner flesh is off-white to light tan |
Gills | Narrowly attached, Crowded, Light to dark brown. Mottled as it ages and spores are released. |
Stem | Center of cap, Cylindrical Colored off white to light tan, matching flesh color Surface is Finely Hairy to Bald Hollow interior |
Partial Veil | White or light tan fibrous cortina when young Fibrous Ring Zone, turning dark brown to black as it ages. |
Spores | Very Dark Brown to Black |

This mushroom is a fairly common sight in grassy areas with heavily composted soil. These ones were found in the grass at a horse stable on 9/10/21. The hairs on the cap look similar to honey mushrooms, but honey mushrooms have a white spore print and a more substantial fleshy ring, and will be growing close to or on a tree. Supposedly the ‘weeping’ name comes from its tendency to form spore laden water droplets on the underside of the gills, but I haven’t seen this behavior yet myself.