Stereum Lobatum

Similar to Stereum Ostrea, Lobatum is a thin leathery fan shaped fungal fruiting body with a zonate upper surface which is mostly white or very light tan with narrow bands of pale orange when dry. When wet however, the white recedes and changes to a pale blue/green similar to oxidized copper. The pale orange becomes brighter and more like a glowing polished copper color as well, This makes them a beautiful (though rather common) sight after a nice rain. The underside is light tan to brown, and smooth, lacking visible pores. The feature which distinguishes this species from others broad shaped Sterum, is probably the very narrow attachment point where it connects to the substrate from which it is growing. It usually finds it’s home on dead hardwood trees, either fallen or still standing. It can be seen year round in Connecticut since its leathery flesh does not degrade much during the winter months.