Black Morels

Notable Species:
Morchella elata, M. angusticeps, M. septentrionalis

Black Morels are typically the first of the morels to pop up in spring. They have light tan or ivory colored stems which are smooth and hollow. The caps have dark brown to black ridges, with lighter colored blonde to tan or brown recessed cavities. Recesses will be irregular, but somewhat rounded or honeycomb like in appearance. Especially when compared to the blonde morel, where craters are more random, elongated, or rectangular in shape. The stem, again, will be completely hollow without any type of filling or pith. The base of the cap will attach directly to the stem making the inside of the cap, and stem, one long hollow cavity. In the area where the stem and cap meet on the outside of the stem. There may be a small channel running around the underside of the cap. It’s an easily recognized characteristic. But, it’s difficult to describe in words. It is probably best understood by comparing this area of the black morel and the blonde morel. The blond morel will seamlessly transition from cap to stem. But, the black morel will not have a smooth transition. It will be separated by a small recessed channel or groove around the underside of the cap where the two areas meet. The spore color will be cream to light yellow, though spore prints are rarely taken as morels can be safely identified without the need for spore prints.


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